Greg Lobanov, creator of Beastieball, acknowledges his outsider status in tackling sports. Despite his childhood immersion in anime and manga, Lobanov lacked firsthand sports experience. Yet, this perspective inspired him to approach the topic from a unique angle, viewing sports as a "natural fit" for community-building and strategic gameplay.
Turn-Based Mentality
Unexpectedly, turn-based tactics emerged as the ideal framework for Lobanov and Ustwo Games' (creators of Desta). This approach allowed for deliberate decision-making, player positioning, and the representation of team dynamics typically seen in sports.
The Similarities to War
Lobanov draws parallels between sports and war, arguing that both involve simulation combat. In-game adaptations of war tactics, such as Pokéball stats, reinforce this connection. He emphasizes that Beastieball avoids lethality, focusing instead on achieving victory through diverse scoring methods.
Sports as Narrative Generators
Supergiant Games' Greg Kasavin highlights the rich storytelling potential of fictional sports. The zero-sum structure of competition and the ongoing rivalries create compelling narratives. Pyre, Supergiant's fictional sports game, embraced this narrative framework to evoke emotions similar to those experienced in real-world sports.
"Soap Opera" Settings and Role-Playing
Ian Hardingham and Paul Kilduff-Taylor of Mode 7 emphasize the "soap opera" aspect of sports. League structures, rivalries, and team dynamics provide endless sources of inspiration for compelling stories. They also appreciate the "openness" of fictional sports, allowing for the creation of unique rules and gameplay mechanics.
Mastery and the Narrative
John Ribbins of Roll7 views fictional sports as convenient frameworks for action games that focus on mastery and execution. Laser League's future-sport setting, for instance, provided a logical explanation for the game's high-octane gameplay.
The Influence on Real-World Sports Perception
ironically, working on fictional sports games has influenced developers' perceptions of real-world sports. Lobanov, for example, has developed a newfound appreciation for the nuances and drama of professional sports, finding inspiration for Beastieball's gameplay and narrative.